Author Fees

Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees:
Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Authors are NOT required to pay an Article Submission Fee.

Article Processing Charges (APCs): 3,000,000.00 (IDR)
The publication fees for international authors are USD 250
This fee covers the peer review administration and management, professional production, DOI registration, and Turnitin Similarity Check (exclude proofread).

AGRARIS charges the article publication fee for supporting the cost of wide-open access dissemination of research results, managing the various costs associated with handling and editing of the submitted manuscripts, and the Journal management and publication in general, the authors or the author's institution is requested to pay a publication fee for each article accepted.

Proofread will be charged IDR 1,000,000 for Indonesian and USD 100.00 for international authors. The fee is used to increase the language satisfaction in presenting the manuscript.